Frente a algunos de estos retratos el poeta Pepe Ramon se ha parado a escribir unos versos. Rouge 635 Retraro de S.G., abogada socia de un importante bufete en EE.UU. Podría tenerlo todo para ser la perfecta mujer ornamental… y va sobrada para ser lo que de verdad es: una mujer trabajadora, independiente, fuerte, inteligente, valiente, luchadora, curiosa… Sammy eligible su barra de labios sin saber que la longitud de onda de su color es de 635 nanómetros, el mismo número de la matricula del coche de Thelma y Louise. Ahora se la aplica con prisa elegante, sin pretender que sea la guinda del pastel del postre de nadie, ni la gota de sangre que manchó la rueca de la Bella Durmiente. Ustedes y yo sabemos que son pinturas de guerra y que si hoy alguien va a comerse un pastel, es ella. La batalla de Little Bighorn no duró más que un fin de semana y aún da de que hablar.
We transform urban spaces into full-on immersive experiences. With multisensory and interactive installations, 360-projection and architectural mapping, we spark wonder into people’s everyday lives, and bring them a little closer together.
We transform urban spaces into full-on immersive experiences. With multisensory and interactive installations, 360-projection and architectural mapping, we spark wonder into people’s everyday lives, and bring them a little closer together. We transform urban spaces into full-on immersive experiences. With multisensory and interactive installations, 360-projection and architectural mapping, we spark wonder into people’s everyday lives, and bring them a little closer together.
We transform urban spaces into full-on immersive experiences. With multisensory and interactive installations, 360-projection and architectural mapping, we spark wonder into people’s everyday lives, and bring them a little closer together. We transform urban spaces into full-on immersive experiences. With multisensory and interactive installations, 360-projection and architectural mapping, we spark wonder into people’s everyday lives, and bring them a little closer together.
We transform urban spaces into full-on immersive experiences. With multisensory and interactive installations, 360-projection and architectural mapping, we spark wonder into people’s everyday lives, and bring them a little closer together.